The roads are always torn up! The roads are a nightmare…when one is finished, asphalt as smooth as silk, it’s torn up all over again…


Sewer separation from stormwater requires millions of dollars in construction contracts to upgrade pipes under the streets that overflow the capacity of wastewater treatment plants. Someday the City will no longer send raw sewer water into the ocean in big storms. The work under Baxter Boulevard took years. The water lines are replaced too…Unitil is replacing gas lines. Central Maine Power needs to replace conduits in Deering Oaks Park that power the street lights.

Traffic must detour to arrive in a city in better shape!

Do we need to travel at high speeds across the peninsula?

The Age of the Automobile

is coming to an end. Right?

Neighborhoods across the country and around Portland are signing petitions for traffic calming. Traffic Engineers are designing streets that discourage high speeds. The street designs of the 1960s are being revamped, and one-way streets, favored decades ago to move cars through cities quickly, are reverting to two-way to keep them pedestrian friendly. High and State streets in Portland are being reviewed — as they had been in 2015 and before that too — for this transformation in the City Council’s Sustainability & Transportation Committee. I support the change.

  • Libbytown will lead the way

    Funding from the federal, state, and local governments will build a new roudabout and return Park Avenueand Congress Streets to two-way traffic.

  • MaineDOT Grant Funding

    design money

  • Denny's is demolished

    and in the news




A way back